Mr. Techmaker
3 min readSep 11, 2019


Everything I have learnt about starting a business.

  1. Find a problem .
  2. Find a customer segment that faces the problem at this point in time.
  3. Find a solution to fix the problem.measure impact, outcome of your solution.
  4. Use lean canvas software to manage your business model. Keep questioning, meet favourable people to tune your business model continuously. Try to eliminate all roadblocks to move your idea from reality space to possibility space. Think first, then execute. Think about all objections, resistance from market forces.
  5. Make sure your interest is aligned to the line of work you choose.Can you persist for 10 years in this work if it takes off.
  6. Plant the right desire in your mind. Plant the desire to be capable.
  7. Your Habits will give you results.
  8. Find a usp.
  9. Calculate how you will compete in the market. Find your edge.
  10. Why will a customer choose you over competition. Find the answer.
  11. Find your revenue. Always safeguard your finances first.
  12. Find fast selling item, high ticket item, educational, entertainment items that bring in revenue.
  13. Let complimentary products like ebooks, videos, AMA, consulting bring in revenue.
  14. Do not be the starving artist. One for the kitchen, one for the soul.
  15. If you feel you need lot of self development before you start making money then join a job.
  16. Live a disciplined life. Happiness is greater than pleasures.
  17. Learn and apply stoic mindset.
  18. Manage your own energy through meditation, chanting, eat right, exercise, outdoors.
  19. Your products, services are reflection of your internal thoughts, energy.
  20. Always create abundant life, environment.
  21. Time is money.
  22. Your friends, social circle decide what energy, thoughts get into you.protect yourself from negative energy. If you are driving a car and a truck comes along — you protect yourself, you do not engage with the truck.
  23. Learn to protect yourself, save yourself from attacking people, situations.
  24. Keep silent, words are energy. Conserve your energy. Think less as thoughts are energy too.
  25. There is always a way. Rack your mind. Learn jugaad.
  26. Be creative, resourceful.
  27. Live in the future. Use latest products to learn to make the next useful product.
  28. Don’t shy away from distributing equity if need be. Don’t be too generous, wasteful with equity.
  29. Learn a lot, share a lot.
  30. Be grateful always.
  31. Information, education is key. Invest wisely.
  32. Always speak the truth .
  33. You can then see the truth.
  34. If truth is in your side you can find a true problem and successfully solve it. You need to trancend from reality space to possibility space.many number of possibilities are possible.
  35. Don’t hesitate to copy something you like. Always abide by the law.
  36. You are your usp.
  37. You are alone mostly.
  38. Implant desire to be capable in your mind.
  39. Detach from outcome.
  40. Stay in your circle of influence.
  41. Be creative, smart.
  42. Always be happy, don’t struggle too much. Things will flow toward you without effort. Take inspired action.
  43. Be on time. Time is energy.
  44. Work done in morning is more productive often. Try it out.
  45. Outsource, automate, eliminate smartly to stay productive.
  46. Keep questioning your own process to change it to get results. Observe other successful people, their attributes. Question your own process to become better.
  47. Learn from those people who already have achieved what you desire.
  48. Be careful while spending. First try, then buy.
  49. Control your world. Do not be rash or risky. Control thought, word, action, results.stay away from anything out of your control. Learn to see the dichotomy of control.
  50. Achieve mastery, invest in other masters, support, become affiliate of other masters.
  51. Play the game. Play it hard.your bread, income is a matter of life and death, do not trivialize or be careless about your income. Protect yourself.
  52. Once you have a business, maintain it, protect it from attacks.
  53. Learn to balance:
  54. creating — making,
  55. maintainence-supervision/management,
  56. destruction-firing toxic people, situations. Creation, maintainence, destruction.
  57. Live in the present moment. Everything is constantly changing. Go with the flow, be prepared. Do not stay stuck in past or future.
  58. Eat healthy. Spend time outdoors. Care about your relationships.
  59. Best of luck to you ☺

