Mr. Techmaker
2 min readMay 23, 2022


Will Satoshi’s dream ever come true ?

After the 2008 financial crisis, all of us sulked at the state of affairs that had led to the crisis.
Satoshi envisioned a solution and actually came up with a working answer in the form of bitcoin.

All of us were enthusiastic about the promised potential of the technology.
Block chain indeed seems like a revolution capable of solving the principal agent problem across domains.
If potential of block chain is realized , the world will become a far more productive, fair, meritocratic and easy for all of us human beings.

We all have innate creative passions that can impact the world positively.
If decentralization materializes then distribution of resources can be automated thereby solving the principal agent problem.

This will give each one of us more confidence, faith, finances to pursue our creative passions to fix the large problems faced by the world.
Blockchain can serve as an ever present supportive parent for each one of us to ensure our creative work efforts are always rewarded instantly without need for central authority, middlemen.

However the promised land seems quite far away today in may 2022.

The technology although promising, still has quite a bit of work to be done.

A lot of uncertain questions need answers.

How can volatility be solved for? Will we ever be able to form a fair supportive community that takes care of volatility at scale ?

Will we ever find ways, answers to eliminate incentive for scammers, whales in a decentralized authority free world ?

How can we convince, offer incentive to the current authority or regime to support decentralization?

How can applications of blockchain be built, adopted more quickly.
Crypto truly needs more solid utility and not rely on “Line goes up”

All of us need to think hard, build, communicate effectively to support the dream of Satoshi and make it a reality in this decade.
We need to discuss, study, build solutions to make decentralized world a reality.
Godspeed to all.

